Welcome to pent!

A common frustration in data analysis is software tooling that only generates its output in human-readable fashion. Thus, even if there is visible structure to the data, that structure is embedded in a format that can be awkward to parse.

Take the following toy data:

>>> text = """{lots of content}
...           $data1
...           0     0.000
...           1    -3.853
...           2     1.219
...           $data2
...           0     3.142
...           1     2.718
...           2     6.022
...           {lots more content}"""

Say it’s needed to extract the list of decimal values in $data1, without the accompanying integers. Further, say that in any given particular output file, this list of values can be of any length.

One could write a line-by-line search to parse out the values, but that’s a slow way to go about it if there are many such data blocks that need to be extracted.

Regex is a pretty natural tool to use here, but writing the regex to retrieve these values is a non-trivial task: because of the way regex capture groups work, you really have to write two regexes. The first regex captures the whole chunk of text of interest, and the second searches within that chunk to capture the values from the individual lines.

pent writes all this regex for you.

All you have to do is provide pent with the structure of the text using its custom mini-language, including which parts should be captured for output, and it will scrape the data directly from the text:

>>> prs = pent.Parser(
...     head="@.$data1",
...     body="#.+i #!..d",
... )
>>> prs.capture_body(text)
[[['0.000'], ['-3.853'], ['1.219']]]

This is just one example of pent’s parsing capabilities—it’s an extremely flexible tool, which can retrieve just about anything you want from just about any surrounding text.

Usage instructions for pent are provided in the tutorial, broken up into (1) an explanation of the basics of the syntax and (2) exposition of a number of (more-)realistic examples. For those so inclined, a formal grammar of the mini-language is also provided.

What pent is not

pent is not well suited for parsing data with an extensively nested or recursive structure, especially if that structure is defined by clear rules. Have JSON, XML, or YAML? There are other libraries specifically made for those formats, and you should use them. pent ultimately is just a fancy regex generator, and thus it carries the same functional constraints. If you build a Parser that is too complex, it will run until approximately the heat death of the universe!


Indices and tables